ID converter

Dealing with identifiers coming from many databases is a major problem when merging information or when analysing data at the functional level. The process of identifiers conversion into many databases has been implemented in Babelomics as an independent tool, the ID converter.

ID converter allows to convert an idlist type of data into other identifiers. After selecting the organism that your identifiers belong to, Babelomics will offer you a great range of identifiers to translate your list to.

An individual table and text file for each of the databases will result from the ID converter process.

An example:


The translation output can have two formats:

CYP2C8     IPI00290301
CYP2C19    IPI00013323, IPI00657852
NR1I3      IPI00001687, IPI00418379, IPI00434598, IPI00815775


CYP2C8     IPI00290301
CYP2C19    IPI00013323
CYP2C19    IPI00657852
NR1I3      IPI00001687
NR1I3      IPI00418379
NR1I3      IPI00434598
NR1I3      IPI00815775