We have several candidate profiles of mutations because it is clear the kind of mutation we are searching but sometimes we do not have a specific clues.
How many variants do you detect for each scenario?
A. Individual filters
Recessive heritage
Dominant heritage (father is affected).
For these regions: 1:3000-10000000,20:1000-200000000
Variants with MAF (Minimum Allelic Frequency) < 0.001 for EUR populations in 1000 Genomes phase 3
Variants with MAF (Minimum Allelic Frequency) < 0.001 for EAS populations in 1000 Genomes phase 3
Variants with two preview MAFs at the same time
B. Progressive selection
We have several clues about our candidate variants. In addition of knowing the pattern of recessive heritage, we search variants with MAF < 0.1 (for all populations in 1000 Genomes phase 3) because it is a rare disease. Consequence type must be “non coding exon variant”
How many variants do you have including both characteristics?
Download these final results in a csv file
We have several clues about our candidate variants. In addition of knowing the pattern of dominant heritage (father is affected), we search variants with MAF < 0.1 (for all populations in 1000 Genomes phase 3) because it is a rare disease. Consequence type must be “non coding exon variant”
How many variants do you have including both characteristics?
Download these final results in a csv file
A. Individual filters
Candidate variants: 1729
Candidate variants: 6229
Candidate variants: 1309
Candidate variants: 19
Candidate variants: 1
36440 SNVs, 3538 INDELs, 19 MNVs, 2 SVs, 0 CNVs
Candidate variants in EUR 1000 Genomes, phase 3: 12346
Candidate variants in EAS 1000 Genomes, phase 3: 15217