Data description

Working plan

We have several candidate profiles of mutations because it is clear the kind of mutation we are searching but sometimes we do not have a specific clues.

How many variants do you detect for each scenario?

A. Individual filters

  1. Recessive heritage
  2. Dominant heritage (mother is affected).
  3. For these region, only chromosome: 3,19
  4. Evaluate the same regions, including start and end at the first region: 3:1000-200000,19
  5. For this gene: SDC3
  6. Description of variants. How many SNVs, INDELs, MNVs, SVs, CNVs?
  7. Variants with MAF (Minimum Allelic Frequency) < 0.05 for AFR populations in 1000 Genomes phase 1
  8. Variants with MAF (Minimum Allelic Frequency) < 0.05 for AFR populations in 1000 Genomes phase 3
  9. Variants with MAF (Minimum Allelic Frequency) < 0.05 for African American population in ESP 6500
  10. For sift<0.05 and polyphen >0.95, because it is likely pathogenic

B. Progressive selection

  1. Can you apply filters to search “Insuline Resistance” phenotype in recesive heritage? (You can see a solution at the end, it could be more than one)
    • Download these final results in a csv file.


A. Individual filters

  1. Candidate variants: 964
  2. Candidate variants: 10852
  3. Candidate variants: 5015
  4. Candidate variants: 975
  5. Candidate variants: 2
  6. 36307 SNVs, 3666 INDELs, 23 MNVs, 3 SVs, 0 CNVs
  7. Candidate variants in 1000 Genomes, phase 1: 16102
  8. Candidate variants in 1000 Genomes, phase 3: 17468
  9. Candidate variants in European American population: 24460
  10. Candidate variants: 313

B. Progressive selection

  1. sift<0.05, polyphen>0.95, AFR phase3 < 0.1