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bierapp_ex6 [2017/03/05 16:26]
bierapp_ex6 [2017/05/24 14:23] (current)
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 +====== Exercise 6======
 +=====Data description: cases vs. controls =====
 +=====Working plan=====
 +====How many variants do you detect for each scenario?====
 +===A. Individual filters===
 +  - [[http://www.clcsupport.com/clcgenomicsworkbench/650/Variant_types.html|Description of variants]]. How many SNVs, INDELs, MNVs, SVs, CNVs? 
 +  - Reference for all controls and homozygous variant for all cases. 
 +  - Reference for all controls and heterozygous variant for all cases. 
 +===B. Progressive selection===
 +  - We have several clues about our candidate variants:
 +    *Reference for all controls and heterozygous variant for all cases. 
 +    *We search variants with MAF < 0.001  (for all populations in 1000 Genomes phase 3) because it is a rare disease. 
 +    *Chromosome 13
 +      ***How many variants do you have including both characteristics?**
 +      *Select this variant and visualize it from the Genomic browser.
 +Some of these solutions could be different when having updated  databases
 +===A. Individual filters===
 +  - 36424 SNVs, 3556 INDELs, 16 MNVs, 4 SVs, 0 CNVs
 +  - Candidate variants: 0 
 +  - Candidate variants: 2214
 +===B. Progressive selection===
 +  - 2214 -> 705 -> 1