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program:variant_handson [2013/03/13 08:25]
program:variant_handson [2017/05/24 14:32] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Variant calling and annotation: Practical session ======
 +<code bash>
 +# Working directory
 +cd $HOME/mda13/calling
 +# Checking the reference
 +head $HOME/mda13/calling/resources/human_g1k_v37.chr20.fasta
 +head -3000 $HOME/mda13/calling/resources/human_g1k_v37.chr20.fasta | tail
 +#Checking the bed file
 +head $HOME/mda13/calling/resources/Exon_50mb_hg19_chr20.bed
 +# IGV
 +igv &
 +################    SNV Calling
 +###### GATK
 +# Run program and see options
 +java -jar $HOME/mda13/calling/software/gatk/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar
 +# UnifiedGenotyper
 +java -jar $HOME/mda13/calling/software/gatk/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar\
 + -T UnifiedGenotyper
 +# Executing SNVs calling of variants
 +java -jar $HOME/mda13/calling/software/gatk/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar\
 + -T UnifiedGenotyper\
 + -R $HOME/mda13/calling/resources/human_g1k_v37.chr20.fasta\
 + -L $HOME/mda13/calling/resources//Exon_50mb_hg19_chr20.bed\
 + -I $HOME/mda13/calling/mapping/test_final.bam\
 + -glm SNP \
 + -o snvs_raw_gatk.vcf
 +# Checking file
 +less snvs_raw_gatk.vcf
 +# Counting lines
 +du -hs snvs_raw_gatk.vcf
 +wc -l snvs_raw_gatk.vcf
 +# Labeling VCF files
 +# VariantFiltration
 +$HOME/mda13/calling/software/gatk/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar \
 +-T VariantFiltration
 +# Labeling SNVs VCF file
 +java -jar $HOME/mda13/calling/software/gatk/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar\
 + -T VariantFiltration\
 + -filter "QD < 2.0"\
 + -filterName "QD"\
 + -filter "MQ < 40.0"\
 + -filterName "MQ"\
 + -filter "FS > 60.0"\
 + -filterName "FS"\
 + -filter "HaplotypeScore > 13.0"\
 + -filterName "HaplotypeScore"\
 + -filter "MQRankSum < -12.5"\
 + -filterName "MQRankSum"\
 + -filter "ReadPosRankSum < -8.0"\
 + -filterName "ReadPosRankSum"\
 + -R $HOME/mda13/calling/resources/human_g1k_v37.chr20.fasta\
 + -V snvs_raw_gatk.vcf\
 + -o snvs_raw_gatk_labeled.vcf
 +# Checking files
 +wc -l snvs_raw_gatk.vcf
 +wc -l snvs_raw_gatk_labeled.vcf
 +grep PASS snvs_raw_gatk_labeled.vcf | wc -l
 +###### Samtools
 +# Run program and see options
 +# UnifiedGenotyper
 +$HOME/mda13/calling/software/samtools/samtools mpileup
 +# Variant calling
 +$HOME/mda13/calling/software/samtools/samtools mpileup\
 + -u -C 50 -l $HOME/mda13/calling/resources/Exon_50mb_hg19_chr20.bed\
 + -f $HOME/mda13/calling/resources/human_g1k_v37.chr20.fasta\
 + $HOME/mda13/calling/mapping/test_final.bam |\
 + $HOME/mda13/calling/software/samtools/bcftools/bcftools view -bvcg - >\
 + raw_samtools.bcf
 +# Converting to VCF format of snvs
 +$HOME/mda13/calling/software/samtools/bcftools/bcftools view\
 + raw_samtools.bcf |\
 + grep -v INDEL > snvs_raw_samtools.vcf
 +# Filtering variants
 +$HOME/mda13/calling/software/samtools/bcftools/vcfutils.pl varFilter\
 + snvs_raw_samtools.vcf >\
 + snvs_raw_samtools_filtered.vcf
 +#Check positions:
 +# Variants detected by GATK but not by Samtools
 +# Variants detected by Samtools but not by GATK
 +################    Indel Calling
 +###### GATK
 +# Executing indels calling of variants
 +java -jar $HOME/mda13/calling/software/gatk/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar\
 + -T UnifiedGenotyper \
 + -R $HOME/mda13/calling/resources/human_g1k_v37.chr20.fasta\
 + -L $HOME/mda13/calling/resources/Exon_50mb_hg19_chr20.bed\
 + -I $HOME/mda13/calling/mapping/test_final.bam\
 + -glm INDEL\
 + -o indels_raw_gatk.vcf
 +# Checking file
 +less indels_raw_gatk.vcf
 +# Counting lines
 +du -hs indels_raw_gatk.vcf
 +wc -l indels_raw_gatk.vcf
 +# Labeling indels VCF file
 +java -jar $HOME/mda13/calling/software/gatk/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar\
 + -T VariantFiltration\
 + -filter "QD < 2.0"\
 + -filterName "QD"\
 + -filter "FS > 200.0"\
 + -filterName "FS"\
 + -filter "ReadPosRankSum < -20.0"\
 + -filterName "ReadPosRankSum"\
 + -R $HOME/mda13/calling/resources/human_g1k_v37.chr20.fasta\
 + -V indels_raw_gatk.vcf\
 + -o indels_raw_gatk_labeled.vcf
 +# Checking files
 +wc -l indels_raw_gatk.vcf
 +wc -l indels_raw_gatk_labeled.vcf
 +grep PASS indels_raw_gatk_labeled.vcf | wc -l
 +############################## Samtools
 +# Indel calling
 +$HOME/mda13/calling/software/samtools/bcftools/bcftools view\
 + raw_samtools.bcf |\
 + grep INDEL > indels_raw_samtools.vcf
 +# Filtering indels
 +$HOME/mda13/calling/software/samtools/bcftools/vcfutils.pl varFilter\
 + indels_raw_samtools.vcf >\
 + indels_raw_samtools_filtered.vcf
 +#Check positions:
 +# Indels detected by GATK but not by Samtools
 +20:60294246 <---- homopolymer
 +20:61167632 <---- homopolymer
 +# Indels detected by Samtools but not by GATK
 +############################# Dindel
 +mkdir dindel_output
 +# Stage 1
 +$HOME/mda13/calling/software/dindel/dindel --analysis getCIGARindels\
 + --bamFile $HOME/mda13/calling/mapping/test_final.bam\
 + --outputFile dindel_output/test_dindel\
 + --ref $HOME/mda13/calling/resources/human_g1k_v37.chr20.fasta
 +# Stage 2
 + --inputVarFile dindel_output/test_dindel.variants.txt\
 + --windowFilePrefix dindel_output/test_realign_windows\
 + --numWindowsPerFile 1000
 +# Stage 3
 +for varfile in dindel_output/*_realign_windows.*.txt
 +    do number=`basename $varfile .txt | sed 's/^.*_realign_windows.//'`
 +    $HOME/mda13/calling/software/dindel/dindel --analysis indels --doDiploid\
 + --bamFile $HOME/mda13/calling/mapping/test_final.bam\
 + --ref $HOME/mda13/calling/resources/human_g1k_v37.chr20.fasta\
 + --varFile $varfile\
 + --libFile dindel_output/test_dindel.libraries.txt\
 + --outputFile dindel_output/test_dindel_stage2_output_windows.$number
 +# Stage 4 ----------- Editing third line of mergeOutputDiploid.py script with utils path
 +# Set path to $HOME/mda13/calling/software/dindel/utils
 +ls dindel_output/*.glf.txt > dindel_output/test_glfFiles.txt
 + -i dindel_output/test_glfFiles.txt\
 + -o indels_raw_dindel.vcf\
 + -s test\
 + -r $HOME/mda13/calling/resources/human_g1k_v37.chr20.fasta
 +# Stage 5
 +# Select PASS indels
 +grep PASS indels_raw_dindel.vcf > indels_raw_dindel_filtered.vcf
 +# Indels detected only by dindel
 +20:3674821 <----- homopolymer
 +20:3928844 <----- homopolymer
 +20:5086720 <----- homopolymer
 +20:29633966 <----- homopolymer
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