
Clinical Trials Offer A Cure For Parkinson's Patients

A lot more than six million people global, including one million in the United States, live with Parkinson's disease-a chronic, degenerative, neurological condition that is characterized by symptoms that an average of progress from mild tremors to significant physical incapacitation. Get more on an affiliated site by visiting high quality clinical research atlas.

Despite modest advances in pharmaceutical and surgical treatments, there's no known treatment for Parkinson's. The best expect discovering one, say experts in-the field, is through clinical studies. Therein lies the issue.

Although just about all (over 96 percent) of the physicians in the Usa who treat people with Parkinson's disease concur that clinical trials are necessary to find better treatments for the disease, the vast majority of physicians have never known a to a clinical trial.

These are one of the features of the recent study commissioned by Advancing Parkinson's Therapies (APT), a collaborative effort headed by leading Parkinson's companies. The study also discovered that, among Parkinson's patients, 4-0 percent cite organizations and 27 percent cite other folks with the disease while the most frequent resources of details about clinical trials. Meanwhile, only 1-1 percent of patients get information from their doctors.

Currently, less than 1 percent of individuals with Parkinson's are participating in clinical research. This is far short of the level that researchers assume will be needed for scientific studies over the next two to three years, including studies of solutions to slow or stop disease progression and to improve symptoms such as tremors. This difference might lead to severe delays in the option of new treatments.

Data Limitations

Lack of sufficient details about clinical trials was defined as a barrier to clinical trial enrollment. Only 1-4 percent of primary care doctors, 21 percent of neurologists and 18 percent of patients surveyed indicated that they're somewhat o-r very pleased with the amount of data available about clinical trials for Parkinson's illness. Discover additional info on our favorite partner paper by clicking clinical research sites.

“People aren't obtaining the information they need to make decisions regarding whether to take part in a said Michael J. Fox. “The fewer individuals who get into tests, the longer it'll take to build up new treatments.”

To satisfy this problem, the Parkinson's group has caused a fresh plan, Advancing Parkinson's Therapies (APT), to make sure patients and doctors are better informed. I discovered pharmaceutical trials by searching webpages. The plan seeks to address information spaces and to offer patients and physicians with information on a number of clinical studies which are currently enrolling patients. My mother learned about follow us on twitter by searching Google.ViS Headquarters

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clinical_trials_offer_a_cure_for_parkinson_s_patients.txt · Last modified: 2017/05/24 11:12 (external edit)