
Coping With Hearing Loss

Oddly enough, I've come to believe that losing my hearing was one of the best things that ever happened to me, as it led to the publication of my first novel. But it took a while for me to accept that I was dropping my hearing and needed help.

I really believe that no matter how difficult things get, you can make them better. I have my parents to thank for that. They never allowed me to think that I really could not accomplish something as a result of my hearing loss. Certainly one of my mother's favorite words when I expressed doubt that I can make a move was, “Yes, you can.”

I was born with a mild hearing loss but begun to lose more of my hearing when I was a senior in college. One day while sitting in my university dormitory room reading, I noticed my roommate get up from her sleep, head to the telephone inside our room, pick it up and start talking. Aside from one thing: I never heard calling ring, none of that could have seemed odd! I wondered why I could not hear a phone that I could hear only the day before. But I was too baffled–and embarrassed–to say such a thing to my roommate or even to someone else.

If they first stopped being able to hear the considerations in real life telephones and doorbells ringing, people speaking in the next room, or the tv late-deafened people may always remember the occasions. It is kind of like remembering where you were when you learned that President Kennedy had been shot or when you learned regarding the terror attack in the World Trade Center.

Unbeknown to me at the time, that was only the beginning of my unpredictable manner, as my hearing became progressively worse. But I was still vain and young enough to not wish to buy a hearing aid. I struggled through college by straining to see lips, sitting up front in the class and asking visitors to speak up, often again and again.

By the time I entered graduate school, I could no more wait. I knew that I'd to get a hearing aid. Visit Hearing Aids San Diego contains further about the inner workings of it. By then, also sitting before the class was not helping much. I was still vain enough to wait a few months while I allow my hair grow out a before taking the plunge but I eventually did purchase a hearing aid. It had been a big, clunky thing, but I knew that I would have to be able to hear if I ever wanted to graduate. Identify further on our favorite related wiki by visiting human resources manager.

Quickly, my hair period didn't matter much, because the hearing aids got smaller and smaller. They also got better and better at picking up noise. The early products did little more than make sounds louder evenly throughout the table. Even as we might have more hearing loss in the high frequencies than in the lower ones, that will not work for those folks with nerve deafness. For other ways to look at this, please consider peeping at: look into audiologist san diego. The newer digital and programmable hearing aids go a way toward improving on that. They can be set to match different types of hearing loss, which means you can, say, improve a certain high frequency greater than other frequencies.

Once I got my hearing aid and was able to hear again, I could concentrate on other things that were very important to me–like my knowledge, my job and writing that first story! I did so maybe not know it then, but that first hearing aid really opened me to take to larger and better things.

I'd long dreamed of writing a story, but like others kept putting it down. It was a chore simply to keep up at the office, aside from doing much else, as i began to drop more and more of my hearing. Then once I got the hearing aid, I no longer had to concern yourself with lots of the points I did before, and I started to think that writing a novel will be the ideal hobby for me. Anyone can write no matter whether they can hear. I was also determined to prove that losing my hearing would not hold me right back.

My first novel was published in 1994 and my sixth in the summer of 2005. As I happen to be writing full-time for more than ten years, writing proved to be much more than an interest. I'm now hard at work on my first nonfiction work, a book to be published in 2007. Visiting hearing aids perhaps provides warnings you can tell your sister. I honestly believe that I would never have sat down at the computer and banged out that first book if I'd maybe not lost so a lot of my reading. As an alternative, I had probably still be a manager somewhere and still thinking about someday being a novelist. That is why I often feel that losing my hearing was among the best things that ever happened to me.

coping_with_hearing_loss.txt · Last modified: 2017/05/24 11:12 (external edit)