Investigating for Indications of Djinn, Jinn, Genie, Spirits, as well as other Entities.
roqya - Whether your investigating for signs a djinn, jinn, genie, spirit, or another type of entity is just about; the entire process of getting evidence is pretty much exactly the same. The error people mostly make isn't conducting any of their investigations throughout the day time and only concentrating their efforts on evening investigations. To make your investigations effective and possess the best chance of getting good evidence that some form of entity is around, you need to do both evening and evening investigations. Sometimes there may be more paranormal activity happening through the night because of the added moisture how the evening produces many places, just like the dew. When paranormal events happen they put out e.m.f. which stands for electric magnetic field when moisture is just about then electricity may be conducted easier. But both day time and nighttime has to be done or perhaps you might be missing 50 % of the paranormal activity that occurs. Should you watch ghost hunting shows on t.v. you will recognize that they merely demonstrate to them investigating at night time with the lights off, that can be a might make for nice and scary t.v. shows, evening alone won't operate in real life.
roqya - The first thing you need to do is be certain that you're very conscious of your surroundings, if you have an excellent memory and a spotlight to detail every time they visit this a lot easier. You need to notice tiny problems that happen that you may otherwise over look and think nothing of, it could be as simple as just a little dice that has been moved when no-one was around. Many people have little things that are moved and they never realize that they have moved. The next thing to complete is attempt to get pictures from the entity, you can walk around and simply snap lots and lots of pictures. You will get lucky and also capture the entity within your pictures, they are able to regularly be noticed in pictures while you didnt see them with all the human eye. Bring your pictures both in the daytime at night with the lights off. There is also just a little tape recorder and try to get some e.v.p. from the entity. E.v.p. represents electronic voice phenomenon, its in places you capture the entity on tape either making noises or talking. You can also combine the two things and try to get e.v.p. when you are taking your pictures, you may also speak with the entity's while you are investigating and you'll end up getting answers in your e.v.p.
roqya - It is important to remember is when you don't get any paranormal evidence straight away just keep trying, not every one is sufficiently fortunate to get great evidence every time they investigate, like the t.v. shows would lead you to believe.