Gala Dinner 2013

An informal dinner is arranged on Tuesday evening (21:00) so we can all meet each other.

  • Place: Restaurante Arroceria Na Jordana, C/Salvador Giner, 4, 46003, Valencia, telf: 963293715
  • Location: Valencia (see map).

To reach there you can take the bus number 95. The bus stop is in front of Oceanográfico (A), only few meters from the Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe. You have to get off the bus in Llano de Zaidia-Burjasot, opposite the Oficial School of Languages (O). From there you can walk across the bridge to the restaurant (B).

A. Oceanográfico.
O. Bus stop: Llano de Zaidia-Burjasot (Oficial School of Languages).
B. Restaurante Arrocería Na Jordana.


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