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General information about the selected MCN

  • result_mcn.sif is a cytoscape compatible format file that contains all protein-protein interactions from the Network Miner-selected MCN.
  • result_mcn_interactors.txt is a tabulated file that contains information about topological role of your proteins-genes in the MCN (relative betweenness, connection degree and clustering coefficient parameters) and functional information (GO and Kegg). Exactly the file has 8 columns with:
    • input_id, the input id.
    • id, the corresponding ensemble id.
    • type, refers to the origin of the node. There will be “List” if the protein/gene is in your initial list or “external” if is an external protein/gene used to draw the MCN.
    • bet, or relative betweenness is a topological parameter that accounts for the centrality of the node within the MCN.
    • clust, or clustering coefficient is a measure of connectivity that evaluates how connected is the node neighborhood.
    • conn, or connections degree is the number of connections of a node.
    • go, Gene Ontology terms associated to the node.
    • kegg, kegg pathway identifiers associated to the node.
general_information_about_the_selected_mcn.txt · Last modified: 2017/05/24 14:37 (external edit)
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