Web usage
Data Management
Data Preprocessing
Expression Data Analysis
Genomic Data Analysis
Functional Profiling Analysis
Apart from the expression data some additional information is needed depending on the kind of analysis you are doing. In general this complementary information does not relate directly to the genes but to the experimental conditions. For example the class of the samples you are analyzing or the survival times of each cell culture are characteristic to all genes within one array.
Some tags are used by Babelomics data files to incorporate this additional information to that of the expression measurements. Those reserved words are:
There are two ways of introducing such additional information in Babelomics differential expression module. One of them is to use additional files containing rows with the labels or values relating to each array. These special lines would contain a firs reserved word followed by the information about the sample. As usual in Babelomics' these labels have to be separated by tab and the file has to end with newline or carriage return. Several labels can be introduced in the same file byusing different reserved words
For example, if you are analyzing arrays of two classes you will use a class label file that will contain a line looking like this:
#CLASS classA classB classA classA classB classA
In you are analyzing time series the syntax should be as follows:
#SERIES treatmentA treatmentA treatmentA treatmentB treatmentB treatmentB #CONTIN time1 time2 time3 time1 time2 time3
The second way of introducing information about the conditions is to insert those special lines at the begining of your expression data file.
An example of expression data file with a special line for class labels would be:
#CLASS classA classB classA classA classB classA gene1 10.23 9.98 10.41 10.55 10.65 9.69 gene2 10.51 9.74 10.65 10.63 10.43 10.35 gene3 9.89 10.02 9.89 11.03 10.21 10.77 gene4 10.25 10.83 8.94 10.16 10.49 10.46 gene... ... ... ... ... ... ...