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User account

There are two ways to access Babelomics tools:

  • Through an annonymous account which does not need any registration, or
  • a user account which need a previous free registration.

Accessing with an anonymous account

By default you are logged to Babelomics with an Anonymous account. With this session you are able to work normally (upload your data, process it, download your results, …) with a maximum of 1GB of space to store your jobs.

It is important to bear in mind that this kind of session does not store your jobs in new sessions. If you close your browser window all jobs and data stored will be lost. To avoid this, just register and you will be able to store all jobs in your user account.

Annonymous login

Accessing with a user account

Creating a user account has some advantaged against the anonymous login. By login with you own account you will be able to store your jobs and data and access them whenever you want. After login out all your projects are stored in our servers with your account, so if you login again with a new session or from another computer your data will remain in the same place.

  1. Registration: Click on the register link.
  2. Fill the registration form with the information requested and submit it.
    Register form
  3. Return to the home page of Babelomics and press login.
    Login button
  4. You will be redirected to a login page. Introduce the same e-mail that you entered in the registration and your password.
    Login form
  5. By summiting the correct e-mail and password, the Babelomics home page appears with your session on.
    Right now, you can start working! And all your jobs and data will be saved for the next session if you logout.
    Logged in
user_account.txt · Last modified: 2017/05/24 10:36 (external edit)
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